Advent in a Body

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Discussion Questions:

1. As we read 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, which questions are most challenging to you and your current expression of love?

  • Where have you loved right words, winning arguments, proving your point more than people?

  • Where have you focused on knowledge, data and facts more than loving people?

  • Where has celebrating signs, wonders and miracles come at the expense of love?

  • Where has giving, serving and sacrificing in activism gotten in the way of love?

2. Which aspect of love in action is God calling for growth in?

Patience, Kindness, Not envying or boasting, Non-arrogance, Not being rude, Not insisting on your own way, not being irritable or resentful, not rejoicing at wrongdoing, bearing all things, believing all things, hoping all things, enduring all things.

3. Where do you need to receive and rest in the perfect love of Jesus today?

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Discussion Questions:

  1. What particular object or activity do you find it most easy/natural to have an embodied response? Beauty? Food? Nature? Humor? Story? How do you express that?

  2. Where have you found the most joy in giving? What particular experience? What might that be teaching you?

  3. What might it look like for you to have an embodied response of giving this week? To whom?

  4. What thoughts and feelings arise for you when the topic of evangelism comes up?

  5. What opportunities are there for you to tell others what you have seen and heard about Jesus? Pray for each other to step into those at the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Discussion Questions:

1.     What physical needs do you have today? Are you aware of them and can you name them to others?

2. Where might God be asking you to join Him as an active participant in His work? What does it look like for you to reply in submission as Mary, “Let it be according to Your word?”

3. Where have you found God faithful to provide for the many needs that surface in your life and story?

4. It was said today, “Recognizing my own humanity will increase empathy and love for my neighbors.” What neighbor among you needs more empathy and love? Pray for God to increase this in you for them.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Discussion Questions:

1.     It has been said before that Advent begins in the darkness. Maybe never a truer word has been spoken in 2020. What word would you use to describe the state of your body as we head into Advent?

2.     What would mean the most to you to have friendship with Jesus? Where you might say, “You too? I thought I was the only one!” Where do you need his sympathetic knowledge?

3.     Where do you need Jesus’ unmatched assistance in your struggle against sin?

4.     Where do you feel like the enemy is waging war against you? What truth of Jesus do you need to help you fight for victory this week?

5.     What would it look like for you to bask in the truth that Jesus is pleased to dwell with us?
